Upcoming events.


Financial Literacy Workshop


Financial literacy has been important to me for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my dad always emphasized the importance of generational wealth and that in order to acquire it, I would need to go and build it on my own because there was no wealth in my family. This stuck with me and forced me to think strategically about decisions I have made throughout life whether they be finance or career related. I started College Money Habits because I wanted to help teach other young adults and students about the importance of financial literacy and share some of the lessons I had learned during my journey. Through videos, blog posts, and workshops, I hope to influence people to change the way they look at money and provide them with the knowledge to make smart financial decisions.


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Spiritual Foundation Workshop


Spiritual Foundation Workshop


My name is Abel Nigussu. I am a recent graduate from the University of Washington with a degree in public health. I will be attending the University of Washington again this fall to obtain my doctorate of physical therapy degree. I serve the Seattle youth through an organization called Orthodox Tewahedo Youth Group (OTYG). I am also active in the Sunday school department at Debre Mihret Kidus Michael Church in Seattle. I also give services to other local churches wherever I am needed. Lastly, I am a basketball and football fanatic.

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